2023 SEASON!

Meet the Oswald family and their next door neighbor Lee Harvey! They've formed a band and are touring with their special blend of sixties hits and their own brand of wacky comedy!


Were you a fan of the old Ohio Theatre Nightclub "Fantasia"? In this hilarious new musical, a group of "Fantasia Fans" are throwing a party featuring the music from the 70's & 80s.

Audience members are transported back to the days of flappers, speakeasies and bathtub gin. Guests enjoy delicious food, a Vaudeville show, and murder! Whodunnit? You'll just have to join us to find out!

Dusty's Dixie Dancehall is a fictional honky tonk located on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee. A group of unlikely patrons show up at the bar one evening, and learn they all have more in common than they first thought. Dusty's Dixie Dancehall features songs such as "Love Wanted", "Old Friends", "Tafetta Memories", "Dance Your Troubles Away" and "Buford Blues" !


An annual tradition! A musical evening of hilarious and heartwarming holiday cheer!
Menu? What menu?
We would love to attend your shows. However my husband is a very picky eater. Is there any way to be able to come & enjoy our shows, without getting the meal? Thank you!